A controlled explosion has been carried out close to Westminster Abbey, police have confirmed. Post navigation Some planned roadworks closures in the region tonight: 21:00 – 06:00 #M27 eastbound J9 to J11 #M27 westbound J9 to J8 22:00 – 05:00 #A282 Dartford Crossing northbound (East Tunnel) Information on other planned roadworks here: nationalhighways.co.uk/travel-updates… #WeAreWorkingForYou 2 lanes (of 4) remain closed on the #M3 eastbound between J3 and J2, approaching #M25 J12 #Chertsey, following an earlier collision. Delays are easing – now 30 minutes above normal journey times, with 4 miles of slow moving traffic on the approach, back towards #Lightwater.