Tier 2 Market Engagement Starts in £275 million River Thames Scheme contractor search news.surreycc.gov.uk/2022/02/11/tie… Post navigation We’ve finished resurfacing the #A21 #Tonbridge bypass early 🎉. The northbound carriageway will be closed as planned overnight (8pm to 6am) between the Vauxhall interchange & Morleys roundabout tonight, then there will be no further closures for this work. nationalhighways.co.uk/se-maintenance National Highways: South-East retweeted: #Essex #GreaterLondon please be aware lanes 1, 2 & 3 (of 4) are currently closed on the #M25 clockwise between J27 #M11 & J28 #A12 due to a vehicle fire. There is currently approx. 5.7 miles of congestion from J26 #WalthamAbbey adding at least 30 minutes to normal journey times.